Monday, January 26, 2009

Falling Forward

I was hanging out with a friend this past Friday, and during this time we were recounting the events that had led us to where we are today. Thinking over the past... none of your business years of my life, I realized a few things, one is that comparatively to some, I haven't experienced "substantial suffering" in my life, and the other is that through the suffering and mistakes that have occurred God has used it for good.
Many times we read Romans 8:28 (God works all things for the good...) in isolation and presume that whatever happens to us God wanted to happen (and possibly made happen) because he wants to do some thing great through it. I have a hard time swallowing this interpretation because it seems to adopt an attitude of "the end justifies the means." However, when I read this in conjunction with verses like Genesis 50:20 (God turned into good what you meant for evil). I see Romans 8:28 as more likely meaning that even though things happen in life that God does not desire for us, he still is able to use these things for his good. It is here I begin to see The Beauty of Mistakes and The Beauty of Suffering.

The Beauty of Mistakes
I forget where I first heard the expression "Falling Forward," but I've felt that most of my life has been a beautiful mess of falling forward. Looking over some decisions I've made in my life I can confidently say I've made many mistakes. I do not consider all my decisions to have been mistakes. I've made some pretty good decisions too. However, as I look at some of my "biggest mistakes" I also see some significant decisions that have altered the course of my life. Whether it be decisions in ministry, decisions in dating, decisions in education, or some other decision, I can see how the decisions I have made have influenced where I am now in life. Some of these decisions have produced some of the greatest friendships, taught me how to make better decisions in the future, and produced character in me that I have long been lacking. In making mistakes, I've definitely realized as much as I think I know it all, I know very little. Perhaps not coincidentally, my mistakes have also resulted in many times of suffering.

The Beauty of Suffering
I can usually correlate my times of suffering with decisions I have made. As I said earlier my life has not been full of much suffering, but the times that I would say I have suffered, I have learned a great deal about myself and others. I've also learned how small my faith is, and how big God is, allowing me to question and accuse him (which I'm pretty good at) without striking me with boils or deep-frying my face. It is in this context of mistakes and suffering that I have come to discover who I am, who God is, and as a result loved us both even more.

The last thing I want to do is turn this into a cliche "just trust God" blog, or minimize suffering. To be honest..SUFFERING SUCKS!!! I think the suffering of creation tears the heart of God and that is the very reason he enters into our suffering and suffers with us. Yet, amidst suffering and mistakes there is intrinsic value and beauty. These are not just dark times in our lives that we should repress or forget. There is beauty in our mistakes! There is beauty in our suffering! In our ugliest hours of inadequacy there is value and beauty.