Friday, April 20, 2007

At a Lose

Anyone who's spent an hour with me knows for a short time I pastored in Roanoke, Virginia and you also know how much I love it and how I came to consider it home.

With Monday's events at V.Tech, I'm beside myself. I've held off blogging on the event till now and in this blog I focus very little on the details of Monday out of respect for those who had to live through this Nightmare. When the news reached me I began calling as many friends as I could to check on them, some concerned about their physical safety and others their emotional state.

Reflecting about what happened and thinking about my friends, who I think of as family, I get overwhelmed with the emotions to the point of shock and numbness. What can you say about such a horrendous act that grieviously impacts so many people?!

All I know to do is give my love and my support and I ask anyone who reads this blog to do the same. Show your love and support through prayer and in your prayers mourn with those who mourn. The best way this can be expressed is through the phrase:

Today we are all Hokies!