When churches abandon or de-emphasize theology, they give up the intellectual tools by which the Christian message can be articulated and defended.
-Peter Berger
I am becoming increasingly concerned with state of the Church. It seems in an attempt to maintain unity we have opted for ignorance. For many of our brothers and sisters their theological education doesn't go beyond "Jesus loves me this I know the Bible tells me so". Yes the Gospel is simple enough for a child to grasp (at the age of accountability), and yes, Karl Barth did once say that was the deepest theological truth he knew of. Yet, what makes this such a deep theological truth is an understanding of all the implications involved in the making such an assertion. Human Depravity, God's Holiness, Redemption and Grace just begin to scratch the surface of the doctrines that are involved in making such a statement.
Don't misunderstand me; I do not think everyone needs a doctorate in theology. My concern is that we become content to suck on the theological milk suitable for infants rather than chew on the meat that causes us to grow into adulthood. My primary motivation for pursuing my Masters is to help reduce the "graduating out of Christianity". When they leave the safety of youth group they are forced to give a reason for what they believe, but find they have never been equipped to do so. This is not unique to teens, we as the Church seem petrified to admit our allegiance, not out of a lack of love, but because we have no idea how to respond to questions or objections. We as the Church need to begin to grow our theological roots. How can we worship a God to whom we are estranged?
5 weeks ago
I agree, theology is a very powerful thing. It allows people to five into the depths of God, to explore Him, to feel Him, to see Him in different lights. I think part of the problem is that so many people think theology as classes or books etc. that are hard to read and don't make sense. They don't see it as something they can grasp, something that has so many different levels and facets.
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