How long has it been since we've been passionate about the ministry God has called us to?
Thinking back to the first time I was hunting for a ministerial position. I wonder how much of my quest was fueled by a genuine desire to be in a place of ministry, which is within God's will and plan, verses a desire to just be in a church.
When I initionally had my denominational interview about becoming a pastor, something I shared about my calling into full-time ministry is "I couldn't imagine doing anything else and being happy". A few years older and perhaps a little bit wiser. I would say it's not enough to want be in full-time ministry. What is essential is to know our place in full-time ministry is within God's will. A will that could have a multitude of possibile places or simply 1 option.
Motions of Ministry
For us to serve in a church out of our own desire to be in ministry would be dangerously close to sin. A sin against God and his people, and ourselves. How can we consume a position of ministry we know is not within God's will for us, simply so we can be in ministry? Consider this, by maintaining a position of ministry, we know is not our place in God's will, is to go through the motions of ministry. In going through the motions we hinder and work against God's will. God has a better place for us in his divine plan and the place you currently hold belongs to another.
Ministry in Motion
Ministry in motion is to seek not only a place to minister but the place God has for us in his plan. Think of it as a train yard. There are hundreds of trains going different direction all for the same purpose, to get people where they need to go. Instead of jumping on a train and trying to make it go your direction, look at the direction God's already taking the train, then jump on board the train going in your direction.
The introspective question of the week: Are we going through the motions of ministry or are we ministry in motion?
1 month ago
Good thoughts to consider Dave
I find it helpful every so often to take a few moments and think and pray about why I am where i am.
I don't really think of it as an 'is this the particular place God wants me' kinda question. I think of it as an 'am i doing what God designed me to do and bearing fruit' kinda question
I've never viewed God's will as particularly particular except as an exception.
I'd agree with you on the particularity of God's will. However, I do think there are times we are at a certain place or in a certain minsitry which is outside the realm of God's will for us. There could be 100 places within God's will and we maybe at the 101 place.
Good thoughts and questions, Dave, as I think about my future in ministry...
you caught me half asleep this morning and i remember you sending some file and me clicking accept, but i have no further memory. sorry. if you catch me on later, you can send it again.
k, thanks. I found it and tend to agree. But i think the eagles were pretty dumb for signing him in the first place. they knew what they were getting.
i also think he's the best wr in the nfl, i just would never want him on my own team.
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