"My magnificent Creator has seen fit to give me a long life and a large family and he has used them to show me crystal clearly the sanctity and invariability of life and for that I am forever thankful to him" (1997 Hall of Fame Induction Speech).
For those of you disinterested and uninvolved in the American Football world, you'll have no idea who Wellington Mara is, to be honest, I knew him only as a name, until his death yesterday was announced. Wellington Mara started as a ball boy and eventually became the owner of the New York Giants. For 81 years he was involved in the Giants' organization and saw 6 Superbowl Championships.
During the interviews one of the things that stuck out to many people was his uncompromising faith. He was known as a religious man and when the Giants won the SuperBowl in 1986 instead of having champagne they had Pepsi (should have been coke).
Tiki Barber, the Giants running back had the blessing to visit with Wellington the night before his death and pray with him.
This Post is dedicated to all the men in pro sports, like Wellington, who live a life committed to Christ in a world full of compromise. With the steroids scandals and the domestic disputes, it is tempting to lay down the cross to hoist the Trophy. To those who have continued to carry their cross from home, to the field, and into the locker room. I thank you for being a light in a dark world.
5 weeks ago
Good post dave...makes me a little less angry that Norwood missed that field goal
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