Last night I was talking to a close friend of mine about life and basically where we are at with God. We were honest about our relationship with God and posed the questions were suppose to have all figured out. We weren't looking for answers; we were looking for our hearts to be heard.
For an hour we took off the clergy camoflage and told each other we weren't perfect, we don't have all the answers, and we still have doubts.
I think one of the greatest detrements to the message of Christ, is those of us who stand at our pious pulpits and pretend we have it all figured out.
When life doesn't go as planned, we have a crisis of faith, as minute as it may seem. In those moments there is a dark place of the heart where we ask, "Is God really in control?", "Does God really love me?" or "Am I praying to a religious creation?". Whether the thoughts originate in our heart, or come from an exterior source they are there and it is in these crisises our faith is challenged.
I'd like to say these questions come, but once, and being answer never reappear, however, each of us knows when the light dims for a moment our faith is shaken.
I don't know where we got this idea that our Walk with Christ is easy. The Bible doesn't tell us that, Church History doesn't tell us that, not even the Media tells us that. Maybe it's left over dreams of our ancestors, who jumped on a ship and set sail for "The New World" in search of freedom from persecution.
It's not until we allow these dreams of a utopic life to die in the origin of their sin that we will ever see daylight. When we come to Christ most of us are looking for a good cleaning and a little mending here and there, never realizing our true brokenness. It is in the reality of our broken life that we are usable. So long as we hold to our self-adequacy and the mentality that "I'm not that bad" we are useless to the cause of the cross. It is in the broken life God works.
My prayer to God is: This Broken life I have held so close protecting it from your healing touch. I release my grip from This Broken Life and ask you to do as you please.
It's a pretty simple concept, I think we need to revisit more.
5 weeks ago
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