In season with the upcoming Superbowl and perhaps as a result of a little Maxwell persuasion, I would like to rant about Bleacher Believers.
Every year millions of people tune into the Superbowl and most of them are at some sort of party. During this party we meet people who we can clump into 3 categories. The nomiees, the quasis, and the Crazies,
The nomiees are the nominals who are at the party because they're, it's a party they could really careless about the actual game, sure they ask occasionally what the score is, but that's the extent of their involvement. These people drive the Crazies
The Quasis are the people who know a little about football, and have picked a team to cheer for, but they're really still there for the party. These people are easily influenced by the nomiees and the crazies.
Then there's the Crazies who would come close 2 selling their first born just 2 watch the game. I find myself in this category. If there was no party we'd still be watching the game. For us everything around us becomes inexistent as we are immersed in the game. There are times we can almost smell the grass and taste the turf (this maybe a little bit of an exaggeration, but you get the idea).
In Church life we seem to have these three catergories, as well. The nomiess, who come for the party. The quasis, who are kind of involved in things, but are still more interested in the party.However, with some guidance from some crazies could make the jump.The crazies are the ones who could careless about the party they just wanna be a part of what matters.
The big differences between a SuperBowl and the life of the Church is the Prize at the end for those of us who win, and the destiny of those who lose. The other difference is we are not to just become artificially immersed in the event, we are to be truly active and living out the experience. We are to get out of the bleachers and onto the field.
5 weeks ago
great colours! (and nice post, too)
i liked this. it's good stuff. i may just go ahead and steal it for future reference. i'm not even going to ask.
see, no asking. jus taking.
Brew: We're on the same team and if my play 2day gets u in the endzone 2morrow,AWESOME!! Feel free to steal my material anytime, except for "A Napoleon Christmas". If u steal that, I may just have 2 tie u 2 the bumper of my car and drag u 4 miles along a gravel road, while blarring country or opera music from the stereo.
AP: Glad someone noticed
dave: far 2 much use of the '2' in your comment. if u continue to use the '2' 4 commenting purposes, u may die 2day. or 2morrow. 2 much of a bad thing is an even worse thing.
Brew: You are so very witty!!
2 bad 2 many people won't read mark's 2otally 2awesome 2rant 2against 2dancin' use of the 2umber two.
Do I need 2 separ8 U 2?!
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