In the last week I've been exposed to both sides of the impact we have on the lives around us.
In visiting Roanoke I discovered the scope and depth I effected peoples lives there. I thought after a few months I was a forgotten face or a whisper of a memory. As I ran into person after person they shared about how much they've missed me and wished I would come back.
I have to admit, it was nice that no one said, "Man, am I glad you left!Things are so much better now that you're gone." If anyone thought it they didn't say it or come even close to expressing that. When I left Roanoke I knew I was moving away from some great friends. What I didn't realize was all the hearts I touched while I was there. It's amazing the positive impact we have on people just by being ourselves.
Conversely, I'm also growing to realize the impact of sorrow we can have on people around us. A teen in one of our local high schools recently hung himself and it's overwhelming how it effects even people who didn't know him. For some I think it serves as a reminder of finity of man. For others it's hard to believe some one was hurting so bad and we never knew.
He had no clue the impact his one momentary decision would create. He never imagined the tidal waves it would create through the halls of his school, where he felt so unnoticed. He was well know and liked by most of the students and the popularity was no comfort to him.
If he knew the impact he had on those around him would he have hung from the ceiling that night?
4 years ago
Wish I could be so insightful...your blog always makes me think so deep! Thanks for being there to keep me on track.
I think that part of the problem is that we never tell people how we feel about them. Even if we really do love and appreciate someone, we wait until they're moving or dead or it's 'Specific Appreciation Day' or something. Why can't we tell people we appreciate them any time of the week? So yeah...with that in mind, I appreciate Dave Lunn. And I appreciate the mullet he grew a while back. And I appreciate that he still talks to me even though I was usually a jerk to him at BBC. and I appreciate Naveen Andrews for his realistic portrayl of a former Iraqi soldier on the television show Lost. and I appreciate Irving's breakfast sandwiches. Delicious.
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