I was on my way over to my friend's place and had the local Christian radio station playing and FFH came on the radio. I'm no where's close to being a FFH fan. However as their song played it caused me to ask my spirit a question.
The main line of the song goes,
"Lord move in a way, that I've never seen before
Cause there's a mountain in the way
and a lock on the door
I'm drifting away,
waves are crashing on the shore
So Lord move, or move me"
The question I asked my spirit was, "Are you willing to ask God to remove you from a place of ministry if you are hindering his work?". It seems like a no brainer, especially if you are ministering in a place where you want to be moved.
I really had to search my heart for the answer, when I put the question into my current context. Being at River Valley, I can't imagine being, or have any desire to be, anywheres else, so it'd be extremely difficult for me to pray this song.
My current prayer is, if there ever comes a time when I am hindering the moving of the Holy Spirit, he will bring me to a point of discernment and humility that I recognize this, so I may be moved to where I am effectively being used by the Holy Spirit.
5 weeks ago
that's one of those scary questions to ask God. Kinda like saying "God, use me whatever way you want" or "God, do whatever is nesicary for me to be closer to You"...all nobe and "good christian" things to say, but when we get down to it, it's hard. We have our comfort, we have our dreams, our desires, and we are told from the time we can understand that we should strive to achieve those.
I think that's why we need to be transformed...why we need to be holy, why it is so vital to die to self. I know there are times that I have been in the way of what God has wanted to do....but I also know that He is a big enough God that His will was still accomplished through someone else.
Very interesting throught Brotha....i'll be pondering this for a while
Does anyone know who to delete adds on my blog?
As you can see adds are becoming a TOO frequent event on my blog. Is there a way I can maintain the comment section of my blog
There should be a lil trash can at the end of each comment. I know on my blog I've deleted many ad comments.
Thank you Matthew. You're blog wizardy is astounding.
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